Monday, December 14, 2009


This holiday season check out Jesus without any religious baggage! We suggest three ways to do this:

FIRST-Order your copy of "Mything Out On Jesus and His Teachings". You can order this book in two ways: 1) You can order from this website with free shipping and a DVD bonus, featuring a TV interview with former Congressman Mark Siljander and Tim Timmons on the subject of bridging the Christian-Muslim divide ($15 total). Siljander, author of "A Deadly Misunderstanding" has traveled the world teaching and interacting with the political and religious leaders of Islam about Jesus with unusually positive acceptance! 2) You can order from ($12 plus shipping). Just click on the cover of the book to order from this site!

SECOND-Get your copy of "When Your Life Is Out Of Control & Your Back's Against The Wall, You Need A FAITH-LIFT". In these insecure times, maybe a "FAITH-LIFT" is exactly what you and/or your friends need. When the world seems to be falling apart all around us, it's important to build an inner security system to get you through it all! Click on the cover of the book on this site!

THIRD-Subscribe to a free daily blog/podcast (5 days per week) we call "ACTS 29 DAILY". Check out over 5 years of this blog at and then subscribe by entering your email address in the box marked "Subscribe".

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

1 comment: said...

Dearest Tim Timmons,
Thank you for your words of immense insight. I'm certain this wisdom was derived from much pain. Affirm what I have read...and support the scriptures you have quoted below. We leave for a mission this summer to UK and ask for your prayerful suppport!
• Matthew 24:14—Jesus’ message regarding the nations of the world. Here Jesus says: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
• Matthew 28:18-20—The great commission of Jesus. Jesus repeatedly gives the same command to His disciples before His departure: MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.
• John 10:16—Jesus mentions “other sheep” that are His. Who are these other sheep? Could it be that they are from the various cultures of the world? Could they be those spoken of in Romans 2:14-15 and 1 John 4:7?
jennifer hope webster
president, founder, CEO ministries